Questionnaire Development & Validation
The GRC team handles all aspects of the linguistic validation of patient-reported outcome and quality of life instruments, including the following:
Usability testing of eCOAs, ePROs, and ClinROs
PRO/QoL instrument research and development
Patient questionnaires
Multi-country linguistic validation studies, with a global reach
Inter-lingual (e.g. English to French) and intra-lingual validation (e.g. US English to UK English)
A full analysis of conceptual and translatability issues
Translation and localisation in over 130 languages and robust quality review
Recruitment with a global reach, using in-country consultants
Cognitive debriefing and analysis, using in-country consultants
International harmonisation steps
As well as our capabilities in over 130 languages, we have particular expertise in PRO/QoL development and cognitive debriefing in creole languages and local language varieties of major world languages, such as English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic. We conduct projects in 192 countries and territories worldwide.
For more information please contact us at