Patient-centred Research
The Gibson Research Consultancy (GRC) team specialises in patient-centred research for all stages of product development and marketing.
A common thread that runs through all our services is to undertake work that ultimately benefits patients and consumers.
Working primarily in the pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical services sectors, we provide document testing, patient insights, and multilingual research support.
Digital transformation goes beyond just getting rid of physical paper. It is a driver of change, moving a whole medical ecosystem, including patients, to the digital era. And whether we like it or not, we all are enrolled in it one way or another.
In health promotion, we have to bridge the knowledge gap and seek to find a common identity and solidarity between those sending and those receiving health messages. It goes beyond mere communication.
In times of crisis, messages that are not well understood can have grave consequences. So too can a lack of information. Messages need to be clear and constant, even obvious or – for some – absurd. Clarity is the key.
China’s extreme measures in the battle against Covid-19 led to a 90% decline in new infections within the country.
This article examines the economic impacts that COVID-19 could have on the global economy, including the supply of pharmaceutical products.